Summer Reading Resources
Teachers and other educators identify summer learning loss as a major challenge when starting off the new school year. However, students who read over the summer return to school ready to continue their learning with little or no learning loss. If you would like to learn more about the summer slide, please check out the articles below.
Summer is a great time for your child to practice what he/she has learned throughout the school year. There is no better activity for your child than to engage in reading for summer enjoyment. Not only will your child discover the joy of being lost in a good book, he/she will practice the many skills and strategies he/she has learned all year.
Summer reading is meant to be enjoyable and we do not want students to have to struggle; we want reading to be fun and relaxing. The enclosed summer reading lists are meant to be a guide for students and parents; students can select books from other levels or even books that do not appear on the list. The important thing is that students read, read, read!
In order to encourage students to continue reading over the summer we are asking students to keep a reading log (See below). If a student logs 600 or more minutes of reading over the course of the summer and returns the log to their school’s literacy coach, they will receive a small prize for their hard work.
This summer we are introducing the Summer Reading Series, a variety of read aloud videos made by our very own literacy coaches. We understand that sometimes students rather listen to a book than read it. Simply click on the video tab on the right and you can listen to some classic stories such as The Day the Crayons Quit, Pete the Cat, or Chrysanthemum read by our coaches Mrs. Eustic and Mrs. Fernandez. *****Update***** We've expanded these resources to include more fun read-a-louds for our students to enjoy this summer!
Looking for a challenge this summer? Click on the link below to check out the Scholastic Read-A-Palooza Challenge.
North Bergen Public Library
The North Bergen Library will be offering many wonderful reading programs to keep students reading and avoiding the summer slide. They will be offering Curbside Pick Up as well as a virtual Summer Reading Program. Make sure to contact the library for further information.